
Electronics components reference

Electronics components ref. helps you lookup electronic component info quickly Electronics components reference, It helps you lookup electronics component information quickly. it covers detail information about electronics components and common electronics circuits. The app provide detail information for the following electronics components - Resistor. - Capacitor. - Inductor. - Transformer. - Choke. - Transistor. - Operational amplifier. - 555 Timer. - Electrolytic capacitor. - Light-emitting diode. - Signal diode. - Rectifier diode. - Voltage regulators. We keep  improving the App ( Electronics components reference ) with each and every update. Thank you for using Electronics components reference.

Led Resistor Calculator

Led resistor calculator, makes use of ohms law to find the perfect resistor value for your led applications. LED Resistor Calculator will also allows you to calculate, with precision, the ideal resistance for the LED you would use, also suggesting how many Watts it should be. this Resistor LED calculator is specially designed for determining the value of the current limiting series resistor when driving a single or more series/parallel of LEDs strings.

Solar System

Solar system gives you interesting facts about each of the planets in the Solar System which are available at the touch of a button. Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, and Uranus. This app gives you summary of all you need to know, about each planet and also gives you more than 10 inspiring NASA/WIKIPEDIA photos and also teach you to recognize the 8 planets of our Solar System together with their moons number, orbit characteristics, days, and diameters and lots of interesting facts about each planet. There may only be officially eight planets now, but for sake of Pluto fans, the former planet is also included. Feel free to leave feedback or comments on the Solar System page. What's new!  Images of all the planets of the solar system with information in HD. Elegant design, simple user interface and also simple to use by any one.  Stunning HD images of the sun and the planets of the solar system.  Educational application for adults and children.  I